0.1.1 - Small Update!

UPDATE 0.1.1!!!

So here it is, a small update that fixes some several moments like visuals, text mistakes and a bit of tech aspects.

A bit of visuals

I made diagonal tiles for floor, so things look less ugly.



Fixed some text mistakes

Such mistakes like "reaturn" instead of "return" and for some wierd reason "s" instead of "i" in Polish were fixed.



Collision system was a bit upgraded

Now if you are at the corner of the wall, you will be moved sideways, so it wont be seemed like you're stuck at the corners and character's movement now feels more comfortable.


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Radium Master (win-x86).zip 38 MB
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Radium Master (linux-x64).tar.gz 40 MB
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Radium Master (linux-arm).tar.gz 37 MB
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Radium Master (linux-arm64).tar.gz 37 MB
22 days ago

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